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Huangpu Wenchong shipyard restarting work after Covid shutdown

Photo: Huangpu Wenchong Huangpu Wenchong shipyard
CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding is resuming production after a Covid lockdown at beginning of this month hit the Nansha district of Guangzhou.

Longxue island in Nansha, where Huangpu Wenchong’s Longxue yard is located, was hit by Covid infections and went quiet on 2 October, the place that at. All the staff and workers at Longxue production base had been isolated at the yard and the production was suspended. 

After one-week where zero new Covid-infections were reported at Longxue, the shipyard is to resume production progressively from 10 October. 

Other production bases of Huangpu Wenchong have not been affected by this wave of Covid-pandemic. 

China is sticking to its Zero Covid policy and numbers of infections that seem small by the standards of other countries result in localised lockdowns and have impacted major port and maritime cities in 2022, including Shanghai, Shenzhen and Dalian. The Shanghai lockdown impacted both shipyards and ports in the Chinese metropolis.